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If you would like to submit a testimonial, please feel free to text me on 07845 705 598
or email me at info@nattydriving.co.uk

I started with Nat with little confidence after lessons with two different instructors beforehand, and instantly found his way of teaching worked for me ! He's very patient and I'd highly recommend ! Thanks for helping me pass my driving test !

Seren, may 2024
  I'd like to just say thankyou so much for all the lessons and helping me pass my driving test, it was really great having you as a teacher, and more as a comedian, to go out with, learn new things, teach me what's right and wrong on the road, and keeping me below the speed limit ! Every lesson was definitely worth it, and I don't think I would've been ready or even near ready without your help, I'm very grateful and thankful for your service. Thank you so much !

Youssef, july 2024
    Good morning, thankyou very much for getting Maya through her driving test and passing first time. She is very happy ! She really improved and grew in confidence in the last month.

Kate, nov 2023
Thankyou for getting me through my driving test.

Ollie, nov 2023
Thankyou Nat, we wanted to covey our gratitude to you for taking Ollie on at such short notice at the start of the year and for getting him through his driving test first time. Cheers !

Adrian & Jo, nov 2023
Hi Nat - thanks so much for teaching Alex and getting him through his driving test first time. We had a laugh about him worrying over his parallel parking !!

Claire, nov 2023
Thank you so much for guiding Sofia to a successful driving test. Your calm structured teaching was very effective in preparing her for the test.

Nick, july 2023
Hi Nat, thank you so much for creating a positive atmosphere each driving lesson where I feel focused, safe, and comfortable. I've not only enjoyed learning the skills needed to drive the car, but also appreciate you consistently keeping me aware on how to drive efficiently by taking the environmental impacts of driving into consideration. I am extremely grateful to have had you as my driving instructor, and I wish you all the best for the future !

Amy, may 2023
I chose Nat as my driving instructor due to the numerous great reports from friends, and this was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Nat was extremely reliable, encouraging and patient. The learning was tailored to fit me and the areas I needed to improve, taking a lot of time and care to ensure I felt safe and confident on the road. Thank you so much for all your help and knowledge Nat ! You were fantastic !

Elita, may 2023
Nat, although I could drive well enough beforehand, thankyou very much for fitting me in at short notice and helping me pass my driving test first time !

Brandon, may 2023
    Dear Nat, having learnt to drive in the USA and in Holland, I would not have wished for a better instructor for my refresher lessons here in the UK. I enjoyed your cynical humour, learned a lot from your clear instructions, and appreciated your explanations and your honesty. Now I've had lessons, I don't avoid driving the car in the UK anymore, even though there's still a lot to learn. Thank you, Nat, I wish you and your family all the best.

Bo, january 2023
Nat is an exemplary driving instructor. The structure and progression through each lesson is really noticeable and he has helped to develop me from being anxious into a well rounded, confident driver. Nat is very patient and thorough and I couldn't recommend him enough. Thanks again for all the help.

Jacob, january 2023
Hi Nat... just wanted to thank you so much for all you've done for Jacob... he will of course be leaving his own testimonial but I personally wanted to thank you. He'd had a very negative experience (and a great amount of money spent) with a previous instructor.... and came to you feeling very nervous, as you know. The very clear and structured way you teach has been exactly what Jacob needed and we're thrilled he's passed first time this first hurdle as a driver. Can't thankyou enough.

Sally & Ian, january 2023
  Hello Nat, thank you for taking me on as your student and teaching me how to drive safely and confidently. I whole-heartedly would like to recommend you to anyone who needs to learn to drive; or just to correct or improve driving skills. With the patience of a saint, professionalism and friendly manner, I managed to overcome the fear of the busy roads, learnt to drive and actually got to the point when I enjoy driving. Teaching methods are great and easily conveyed to the learner. Thank you once again.

Lilly, december 2022
I have recently completed a number of refresher lessons with Nat and would highly recommend him. I’d only driven a few times over the past decade and more, so felt nervous about driving again. However, Nat is a great instructor, putting me at ease and working with me to tailor the lessons to my needs. This helped me quickly build my confidence and skills to now be driving again. If you’re looking for refresher driving lessons I would recommend giving Nat a call.

John, september 2022
Hi Nat, I just wanted to say thankyou for the driving tuition you gave Benjamin, resulting in his test pass last week, which he and I are obviously delighted with ! Unfortunately there are no more in the family to follow suit but I have been really pleased with the techniques you have instilled in all three of my children and they have all enjoyed their lessons with you. Many thanks again !

Fliss, august 2022
  Hi Nat, I passed my test this morning with only 2 minors, thanks so much for teaching me to drive, and good luck in the future !

Theo, august 2022
  Nat is a good teacher and very patient. He was also very informative all the way through lessons. He reassured me before my driving test and gave me confidence.
Thank you so much for teaching me to drive.

Jamie, august 2022
Nat has helped me pass my test first time and I could not recommend him enough. I thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to my lesson each week. The lessons were flexible, varied, and informative. He was happy to answer any questions that I had, and made sure to always ask me if there was anything I felt like I needed to practice or improve on. Thank you so much for all of your help and hard work over the past few months!

Ellie, march 2022
  Hi Nat, thanks for all your help with Ryan, he did really well ! You are an amazing driving instructor, very helpful, patient, and very informative on all aspects of the driving test, including the tricky booking process !! I'm so pleased with Ryan passing first time - he did really well and felt calm and well prepared with your help.

Amanda, june 2022
Nat, thankyou so much for all of your patience and kindness while teaching me to drive. I couldn't have asked for a better teacher ! (Especially with all the interruptions with Covid). You have been beyond amazing and I'm so grateful for everything ! Thankyou again, Laura :)

Laura, october 2021
Hi Nat, Lucy really enjoyed her first lesson, I called her from work about half an hour before and she was so nervous, when I got home in the evening she was buzzing about the lesson, so thank you for settling her in.

Michelle, september 2021
Nat is an excellent driving instructor. I am 31 years old and came from India to this country about 3 years back. As I had the experience of driving in India, I decided to go for a test myself after watching some youtube videos and failed miserably at the first 2 attempts in Swindon. Silly me. Then I decided to hire an instructor and failed again with 1 silly mistake. These 3 attempts were in Jan 2020 and then COVID took over and my next test rescheduled for June 2021 at Cheltenham test centre. I contacted Nat for this as my earlier instructor moved to London. He agreed to fit me in his tight schedule and we did around 13-15 hrs lessons and passed my test this time. Nat is very patient and helped me to forget my bad old driving habits and given me tips and tricks to pass the test.

Kamal june 2021
Thankyou so much for giving Ellie the tools and confidence to pass her driving test ! Many thanks !

Viv & Neil june 2021
Hi Nat, I just wanted to say thankyou once again for helping Taylor pass his test. He really wouldn't have done it without you. And thanks for taking him on the Bank Holiday too !

Michelle may 2021
Hi Nat, I'm in the process of moving away, sorry. I will surely miss your teaching ! You are an excellent, friendly, and humorous driving instructor. Your lessons are always productive and as an anxious student I felt very comfortable with your teaching style. I have gained so much more confidence on the road since I first started learning. Thanks so much for the list of other instructors, I really appreciate it !

Shuya march 2021
    Hi, just to let you know I've moved back to Bristol. Thankyou for all the lessons. I think you're a damn good teacher and you've helped my confidence amazingly. Sorry for leaving, and thankyou so much for everything you've done for me.

Emily january 2021
Nat is an organised and friendly driving instructor who I would recommend to anyone in the Cheltenham/Gloucester area. He gave me very specific pointers which really helped me in areas of driving that I was struggling to get the hang of! He was always patient and tailored my lessons to exactly what I needed to refine my driving, which meant I could learn at a pace that suited me. Thank you so much, Nat - I am thrilled to have passed my driving test before going away to Uni and couldn't have done it without you!

Tilda september 2020
Fantastic driving instructor for my daughter, Tilda. Reliable with good structured teaching style. We moved to Nat after a test fail with another instructor who had then gone on maternity leave. Best move we made. Thank you Nat .

Olivia september 2020
Thankyou so much for all your help, Nat, I'm incredibly grateful !! You were extremely patient and constructive, and the driving techniques I learned gave me the confidence to pass first time. I would definitely recommend you to other learners. Thanks, I wish you all the best !

Amy september 2020
I would like to say a big thank you to Nat for all his help! I had passed my driving test in late 2016 while at university but, like many students, did not get my own car until graduating and moving back home permanently in June 2020. After three and a half years away from the wheel, trying to remember everything I had learned pre-test seemed very daunting. I had a number of refresher lessons with Nat and it really boosted my confidence. Nat was a patient and understanding instructor and I would recommend him to anyone.

Luke august 2020
    Just wanted to say thank you for being patient and getting me through my driving test ! It was nice to pass first time as it was something I really didn't want to faff around with trying multiple times ! Great driving instructor, I wish you all the best.

Kyren july 2020
  I just wanted to say a big "Thank You" for my son's lesson today. Taigh very much enjoyed it and learnt lots. Since he's based in Guernsey and would like to be able to bring his car over to England on visits, the practice he did with you on urban roads and the motorway was really useful.

Rebecca january 2020
Thanks so much Nat ! I've passed first time and after my first lesson I thought it wasn't possible !! Your patience with me was greatly appreciated and the driving strategies were brilliant. Highly recommended !

Sam december 2019
Hi Nat, a big big 'thankyou' for teaching and getting David through his driving test. I am currently working away from home, but I was so happy to hear the good news that he had passed first time. Many thanks.

Lee september 2019
  Nat over the past few years (on and off lessons, was all my fault) has been fantastic - always works around you to fit in lessons for your needs and timings. Nat's an incredibly patient instructor (trust me he’d have to have been) and I couldn’t recommend him highly enough to anyone looking to learn.
Cheers for everything Nat!

Jake october 2019
    Hi Nat, just wanted to say thankyou very much for the outstanding driving instruction you have given to two of my sons. From my experience with them, you have not only taught them to drive but to do so in a safe, responsible way so that it continues long after. I look forward to more lessons in about two and a half years time when the youngest son starts ! Many thanks again.

Fliss july 2019
So a few weeks after passing my driving test and I'm driving around the mountain roads in Spain! Sheer drops, steep gradients, tight switchback turns, all taken in my stride, as well as miles of driving on long fast Spanish main roads. All thanks to the awesome teaching from Nat. His friendly and relaxed teaching style made learning to drive a pleasure, leading to passing my test first time, I cannot recommend him highly enough.

Phil april 2019
  Nat helped me pass my test first time back in July with only one minor fault, helping me feel ready to drive in about five months of lessons, and instilling confidence in me that allowed me to drive down to Cornwall alone just two weeks after my test ! An understanding and brilliant driving instructor indeed, thank you for all your help !
Thank you ever so much, I am very grateful again !

Daisy may 2019
    I've passed !!! Thankyou so much, Nat, even though I've now moved up to the Lake District, I definately couldn't have done it without you ! Only 4 minor faults too !

Kelly october 2018
Hi Nat ! It's Emma, from a few months ago. Last weekend I did my first proper motorway drive - not a short one either,it was to Falmouth and back ! I just want to say "thankyou" for all your teaching because I was still going through things in my head that you used to say to me like the "MSM routine" and "judge your approach" and other things like that. Also I had a car full of people's Uni stuff, so doing the hill-starts, especially in Cornwall, were NOT fun, but even so it was just going back through the things you used to say to me. Luckily it all went incredibly well, so thanks a million once again !

Emma september 2018
    Hi Nat, just want to say thankyou for teaching my son Taylor to drive and helping him pass his test.

Paula august 2018
Dear Nat, Thankyou so much for helping me pass first time ! You have been so patient with me and have allowed me to become a confident independent driver. In a year's time, hopefully you'll be teaching my brother, Oli !

Izzy may 2018
Hi Nat, once again thank you for everything leading up to the test pass yesterday. Still can't believe I've passed ! I've spoken to my dad, and we've agreed it would be best for me to do a motorway lesson with you soon.

Emma may 2018
Nat, thanks for all your help and patience with the refresher lessons. Hope you have a great Christmas and New year !

Simon december 2017
  Nat gave me refresher lessons when I was returning to driving after over 10 years. I was nervous about getting behind the wheel again but Nat was calm, friendly and patient which put me at ease. Once I had got the hang of the basics again, he focused on the aspects of driving that I found particularly tricky or daunting. As well as spending time practicing these elements, importantly, he also talked the theory through with me so that I felt prepared for any situation that arose. Having just completed a long journey across the country to visit family which I wouldn’t have dreamt of doing before, I’m so grateful for Nat’s help and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to others.

Simon april 2018
  I had driving lessons with Nat for over a year and I would highly recommend taking lessons with him.
Nat is very professional but very friendly, he teaches you not just how to drive but how to understand the mechanics of how the car works together. He is reliable and trust-worthy, and enjoys very much what he does you can tell this by his knowledge and enthusiasm he shows whilst teaching you.
Nat is also very patient and never gets frustrated when you can't seem to get it right... Nat also offers lots of help and support. I passed my theory and practical test both first time, even though I thought I wasn't ready, Nat reassured me and gave me the confidence I needed to succeed.
Thank you Nat.

Jess december 2017


Hi Nat, thankyou for getting me through my driving and preparing me for my test, and then passing 1st time ! With all your knowledge and attention to detail, your commitment and your patience, I've finally done it ! I have and will definately be recommending you as a great driving instructor to use. Many thanks.

Emma september 2017
I would 100% recommend Nat to absolutely anyone. A brilliant driving instructor, who will settle any nerves very quickly with his patient approach to teaching. As well as learning the basics, Nat teaches you far and beyond that, by helping you to feel in control of the car, and makes any drive you go on comfortable for yourself. A massive thankyou again to Nat for helping me to pass my driving test, I have since found it comfortable to drive on my own, and I recommend him to anyone !

Nick september 2017

Hi Nat, I just wanted to thank you so much for helping Carl pass his car test first time recently, we were all overjoyed ! As a parent, when I was telling Carl the importance of staying safe in a car, he's always said "I know, Nat's told me that", so another big thanks for this too ! I've already recommended you to someone I work with. Thanks so much !

Michelle june 2017
Hi Nat, just wanted to let you know I passed my driving test yesterday with only one minor ! Thanks again for all the lessons and your patience when I was in Churchdown. Cheers !

Abbie may 2017
Hi Nat, I’d just like to say thanks for the lessons that I had with you. Thank you for your friendship and patience during my lessons, you’re an outstanding driving instructor, and I will highly recommend you, because you allowed me to learn at my own pace, so I could become a competent driver.

Louis may 2017

I passed my driving test last month all thanks to Nat and I am so grateful for all his time and teaching into making me the confident and safe driver I now am ! I can't recommend him enough for his patience and for ensuring I was not only ready for my test but also my whole life being a driver on the road. Having had a different instructor previously, I wish I had gone with Nat before as his prices are very competitive and his lessons always made me feel at ease and were very well structured. Thank you so much for your brilliant teaching and lessons Nat, happy driving !

Georgia april 2017

Hi Nat, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to re-locate away. Thank you so much for all the teaching and patience. You stopped me absolutely hating driving lessons, so that is a miracle in itself ! And you'll be glad to know I've finally booked my theory test !

Abbie january 2017

Merry Christmas Nat ! The driving is going well thanks, I have a new job and the driving is basically 80% of its time !

Steve december 2016
Nat is an excellent driving instructor, instead of just teaching you how to pass the test he teaches you driving skills for life. He is both friendly & patient and is very accommodating to your needs in terms of time, location and circumstances. I would recommend anybody to do lessons with Nat, whether they're starting from scratch or have previously failed tests. Thanks a lot for your help Nat !

John december 2016
Hi Nat ! Just thought I'd let you know I drove to Bristol and back today on the 'A' roads with no problems ! See you next week for our next lesson.

Sophie august 2016

Hi Nat, just wanted to let you know I passed my driving test last week with 6 minors ! Thank you for all your help last summer in Churchdown, thank you for your patience with me :o)

Olivia july 2016

Hi Nat, although my son Carl has only had a few first lessons, he's really enjoying learning with you. Thankyou !

Michelle april 2016

Top driving instructor - I would highly recommend ! Nat is friendly, patient and very accommodating. I was limited to when I could have driving lessons, due to full time work and child care. However, Nat always found the time to fit me in. Each lesson was very informative, covering lots of different driving situations which really raised my confidence. I have had various driving instructors since beginning my journey to obtaining my driving license. None were any where near as good as I found Nat, he not only got me to test standard but gave me the skills to be a competent new driver. Many thanks Nat !

Simon october 2015

Thankyou very much for everything, Nat ! Fab driving instructor, very patient, and understanding.

Maria october 2015

I wouldn’t for a second hesitate to recommend Nat to anyone who is looking to start or continue learning to drive. His approach is actually to help you learn how to drive properly rather than just do what is necessary to pass your test. His calm and patient nature coupled with his easy going persona put me in a completely relaxed and trustful state from the moment I began lessons with him. Despite passing on my second time rather than my first, I am fully confident in my abilities thanks to his teaching and believe that I will be a safe, considerate and smart driver on the roads. For anyone at any level of driving experience I recommend contacting Nat and sorting out your first lessons ! Thank you !

Sam august 2015



I would recommend Nat without reservation. He is approachable, unpatronising, and makes clear the logic behind every instruction. In addition to being a highly skilled instructor, he is also good fun to learn with. As one of Nat's few pupils who took multiple attempts to pass, I can say that he meets failure with patience and encouragement, and the thought of changing instructors never once crossed my mind.

Alex july 2015
I had been through a couple of instructors before I was recommended Nat and that's when I realised what a driving instructor should be like. Nat is really encouraging and won't make you do anything you don't feel ready for and will also demonstrate things first, not only if you're unsure of it but also to demonstrate the mechanics so you can get a better understanding of how a manoeuvre works. He's patient and understanding and that's why the person who recommended him to me passed, my brother who I recommended to him passed and why I passed and why so many other people under his instruction have. All in all Nat is a fantastic instructor and great person and I thoroughly recommend anyone wanting lessons to go straight to him !

Lamara june 2015

I had been learning to drive for more than a year with a couple of different instructors and had gone through two unsuccessful practical driving tests when I was recommended Nat. Nat is the most patient, approachable and understanding instructor I have met, and Nat has an ability to transfer his driving skills and tips to his students in a very friendly and encouraging manner. Four months later after a number of enlightening lessons with Nat I took another test, and passed with only two minor mistakes. I can now drive independently thanks to Nat's invaluable lessons. I recommend Nat to anyone who wants to improve their driving skills as he is one of those rare instructors who make sure that you don't just follow the road rules but also understand them. Thankyou !

Elina january 2015

Thanks to you Nat I passed first time ! I was slightly nervous on the day but you put me at ease. I don't think I could have done so well without your help ! I will definitely be giving people your details. You were an excellent teacher and helped me to enjoy driving, always looked forward to my next lesson. Hope you and the family are all well ! Hope to see you soon ! Thank you for everything ! Going to miss our fun lessons, what am I supposed to do with my time now ?!
Many Thanks !

Zoe november 2014

Hi Nat, how are things ? Since I passed first time in October, my driving is going great. I drove to Birmingham and back on my own recently and that went without a hitch !

Tom august 2014

After feeling apprehensive about driving, Nat was recommended to me by my partner as being someone who is patient and helpful. He was absolutely right. From my very first lesson I was put at ease and as time went on I became more confident. Nat was also very accommodating around my work and university hours. He is thorough during lessons which meant I was completely prepared for my test and passed first time ! Thank you Nat ! Couldn't have done it without your help.

Emily july 2014
Nat, thankyou for helping me achieve this moment today. I didn't think I could be driving so soon ! You're one of the best !

Zak april 2014



Hey Nat, it's Alan from Oxford. Just retook my practical test and passed. Many thanks for your help last year.

Alan february 2014
Hi Nat, just wanted to say a massive "thankyou" for being such a good instructor. I've had such bad instructors before it's nice to actually learn from someone who's a nice person as well ! Fingers crossed for the test next week... If I pass, I owe it all to you, so thankyou !

Dan january 2014
As a full licence holder, I'm so grateful for your tuition, it has made such a difference to how I feel about driving in unknown territory. Thanks very much, Nat.

Linda december 2013




Nat was a great teacher and helped me to pass, and now driving has made everything in life so much easier. Nat was calm and patient as well as thorough. I found that google mapping the routes really helped me grasp a better understanding ahead of the test and it also helped me to stay calm. Thankyou for everything Nat.

Danielle september 2013

Nat, I passed today ! Thankyou so so so much for helping me pass my driving test !!

Becky september 2013

I recently passed my driving test first time after learning with Nat. What impressed me most about his teaching was the calm and patient way in which he dealt with me throughout the entire process. I was an unusual student in that I had some driving experience prior to the lessons. Nat modified his teaching to specifically suit my needs and give me exactly what I needed. Ultimately this led to a successful test. I have no doubt that if I had attempted to take the test without his support and instruction, there is no way that I would have passed. Thanks Nat !

Neil august 2013

Out of all the driving instructors that I came across Nat was the most calm and informative. Nat made me feel at ease but most of all his standards of teaching were higher than other instructors. Without Nat I couldn't have passed FIRST TIME. Absolutely BRILLIANT and down to earth. VERY Professional. Would definitely recommend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Nat :o)

Alexandra august 2013
Nat, thank you for the past few months ! You've always been very patient, professional, honest, and kind. You're always on time, and each session is always very productive. You give extremely useful tips and advice. And all because of your efforts I passed first time with only one minor fault ! I wish you and your family all the best in future !

Yang june 2013


Hi Nat, the driving's going very well thanks, following my first time pass...... lots of chauffeuring people about now !!

Anna may 2013

Thanks Nat for yesterday, it was very good to go over the parallel reverse park manouevre. Where I would take up to eight goes to get it right, you gave me a method that worked and made sure I carried it out slowly enough to review it as I went along. I parked on the first attempt today and took about 20 seconds ! Another driver waited for me and there was no problem - thank you so much !

Caroline april 2013

I can honestly say that Nat is a brilliant driving instructor who got me through my test first time ! Nat bent over backwards to accommodate my lessons around college and work especially as my test approached. I would highly recommend Nat to anyone as he's friendly, patient and makes sure you're 100% confident on any aspect of the driving to help you pass your test ! Thank you Nat, best of luck for the future, see you on the road !

Josh march 2013



Thanks for everything, I couldn't have asked for a better instructor !
I'll recommend you to anyone wanting to learn to drive.

Crissy march 2013
Hey Nat, saw you the other day, you'll be pleased to know you've taught me well enough that I haven't had any driving issues in the horrific weather we've had over these winter months !! I found you a really good teacher who could plan around how I best learnt to do things.

Ellie january 2013

Thankyou for all your help and support, it's changed my life for good ! See you on the road !

Chris january 2013


Nat is an excellent instructor. He always arrived on time, and if he couldn't, he'd add on extra time. He taught me some very useful tips, and would go the extra mile to help me. He is friendly, and very patient. I'd highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a driving instructor, Nat won't let you down. Thanks very much for helping me pass my test, Nat.

Brendan november 2012
Previous driving lessons put me right off trying to learn, but Nat was brilliant. He's the most patient person I've ever met and I genuinely couldn't have learned without him. I've nearly driven a thousand miles now, so I'm feeling much more confident too ! I'll be back for a motorway lesson soon !

Alicia september 2012


For me, driving was a struggle, but Nat was patient and understanding, and took the time to go back over things if I didn't understand. Since passing, when I drive, it just comes naturally :o)

Jackie august 2012

Nat, thankyou very much for everything you've taught me and for helping me pass my test !

Ben august 2012

Nat's been absolutely fantastic - thanks to him I passed first time ! I had previously learnt with two other instructors 10 years ago (unsuccessfully) but started again from scratch with Nat. He displayed great patience in coaching me through my nerves, explaining not only the what, but also the why of good driving practice. I would whole heartedly recommend him to nervous drivers, and also to anyone returning to learning to drive after previous unsuccessful attempts.

Megan may 2012

Nat, thankyou so much for your time, effort, and patience. By doing the intensive course with you, you helped me pass my test with only one minor fault !

Bronwyn july 2012




Nat was very friendly and easy to get on with, and was very punctual, but if he couldn't make the appointment he would let me know well in advance, and then make up the time afterwards. I've recommended Nat to family and friends, and to anyone reading this, as he made learning to drive very easy for me.

Jake may 2012
Hi Nat, you were a great help with the motorways. I think I'd built approaching the slip roads into scary monsters in my head, and that lesson with you showed me how to beat them. Thank you so much, and I'm going to do a motorway trip at least once a month just to keep the monster in his place !!
I will definately pass your name on to anyone looking for an instructor.

Thanks once again,
Sadie april 2012

Nat is a brilliant instructor, he is friendly and absolutely has the patience of a saint ! He makes what may seem an impossible task of learning to drive, an achieveable and enjoyable task! Couldn't have asked for a better instructor and would recommend him to anyone !

Alice january 2012

Nat is a great instructor taking everything step by step and making things easy to remember for the test and onwards, i would recommend him to everyone, thanks Nat.

Dom december 2011

Nat is a cracking driving instructor, he is friendly and patient and will go the extra mile. He gave me the confidence to finally start driving and I would recommend him to anyone ! Thanks very much !

Stu july 2011

Thanks for the info about using my own car for test, Nat, greatly needed ! Thanks for your time with the lessons, you've been a big help ! All the best.

Sean april 2012


Nat is extremely friendly and professional. His thorough approach helped my confidence and led to me passing first time.

James september 2011

Many thanks for the work you have done with Jess so far, she always comes back with a confident outlook after a lesson.........

...Nat, Many thanks from me and Jess. Fantastic smile on her face when she came through the door after passing. She always returned home confident after a lesson and I will be sending my son your way in 3 years time.

Elfyn april 2012

I feel very confident after a few hours of classes, you are calm and for me it's the most appreciative quality. To re-start to drive after so many years and in UK was for me a serious challenge. Thanks Nat for your professionalism and your patience.
Thanks a lot.

Carmen november 2011



Very patient ! Took the time to explain things, made sure I understood. Illustrating how far away a junction line was really useful for me to understand the distance.

Jo december 2011

I would just like to say thanks for your kindness, patience and helpful advice & support that helped me have the confidence to pass my driving test.

Paul august 2011




Just wanted to let you know I passed my test today, I remembered everything that you had told me, and I was really calm. Thanks for all your help !

Zoe august 2010
Hi Nat, just wanted to say thank you for helping me pass my test today - I really didn't think I could do it first time !!

Jem june 2009



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Nat Reed | Approved Driving Instructor | 07845 705 598 | Churchdown GL3 1NW